GRE Word List
a large kettle or boiler
The meaning of the word caldron is a large kettle or boiler.
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Word | Meaning |
rejuvenate | to make young or youthful again : give new vigor to |
extrude | to force, press, or push out |
pan | a usually broad, shallow, and open container for domestic use (as for cooking) |
concise | marked by brevity of expression or statement : free from all elaboration and superfluous detail |
punctilious | marked by or concerned about precise accordance with the details of codes or conventions |
vituperative | uttering or given to censure : containing or characterized by verbal abuse |
drudgery | dull, irksome, and fatiguing work : uninspiring or menial labor |
voodoo | a religion that is derived from African polytheism and ancestor worship and is practiced chiefly in Haiti |
cavalcade | a procession (see procession |
mediocre | of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance : ordinary |