GRE Word List


easily upset : irritable

The meaning of the word fussy is easily upset : irritable.

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charydiscreetly cautious: such as
annihilateto cause to cease to exist : to do away with entirely so that nothing remains
objectiveexpressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations
queuea braid of hair usually worn hanging at the back of the head
vagaryan erratic, unpredictable, or extravagant manifestation, action, or notion
abrogateto abolish by authoritative action : annul
eddya current of water or air running contrary to the main current
composurea calmness or repose especially of mind, bearing, or appearance : self-possession
extricateto free or remove from an entanglement or difficulty
diaphanouscharacterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through