GRE Word List


apathetic to pleasure or excitement as a result of excessive indulgence or enjoyment : world-weary

The meaning of the word blase is apathetic to pleasure or excitement as a result of excessive indulgence or enjoyment : world-weary.

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connubialof or relating to the married state : conjugal
notableworthy of note : remarkable
irrelevantnot relevant : inapplicable
esotericdesigned for or understood by the specially initiated alone
collationa light meal allowed on fast days in place of lunch or supper
loathunwilling to do something contrary to one's ways of thinking : reluctant
gratiswithout charge or recompense : free
demagoguea leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power
potentialexisting in possibility : capable of development into actuality
unprepossessingnot tending to create a favorable impression : not prepossessing