GRE Word List


the act of conspiring together

The meaning of the word conspiracy is the act of conspiring together.

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psychiatrista medical doctor who diagnoses and treats mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders : a specialist in psychiatry
egotisticalcharacterized by egotism : having, showing, or arising from an exaggerated sense of self-importance
slovenlyuntidy especially in personal appearance
scaffolda temporary or movable platform for workers (such as bricklayers, painters, or miners) to stand or sit on when working at a height above the floor or ground
psychea princess loved by Cupid
fortuitousoccurring by chance
distinctivemarking as separate or different : serving to distinguish
suckleto give milk to from the breast or udder
incorporateto unite or work into something already existent so as to form an indistinguishable whole
rhapsodya portion of an epic poem adapted for recitation