GRE Word List


a considerable body of troops organized to act together : army

The meaning of the word battalion is a considerable body of troops organized to act together : army.

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acutecharacterized by sharpness or severity of sudden onset
repudiateto refuse to accept
fleeta number of warships under a single command
mantlea loose sleeveless garment worn over other clothes : cloak
pulverizeto reduce (as by crushing, beating, or grinding) to very small particles : atomize
runicany of the characters of any of several alphabets used by the Germanic peoples from about the 3rd to the 13th centuries
baroqueof, relating to, or having the characteristics of a style of artistic expression prevalent especially in the 17th century that is marked generally by use of complex forms, bold ornamentation, and the juxtaposition of contrasting elements often conveying a sense of drama, movement, and tension
castrateto deprive (a male animal or person) of the testes
discreditto refuse to accept as true or accurate : disbelieve
lagoona shallow sound, channel, or pond near or communicating with a larger body of water