GRE Word List


a considerable body of troops organized to act together : army

The meaning of the word battalion is a considerable body of troops organized to act together : army.

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glutinoushaving the quality of glue : gummy
macean aromatic spice consisting of the dried external fibrous covering of a nutmeg
primto give a prim or demure expression to
palpitateto beat rapidly and strongly : throb
viablecapable of living
accelerateto move faster : to gain speed
monetaryof or relating to money or to the mechanisms by which it is supplied to and circulates in the economy
jettisonto get rid of as superfluous or encumbering : omit or forgo as part of a plan or as the result of some other decision
parvenuone that has recently or suddenly risen to an unaccustomed position of wealth or power and has not yet gained the prestige, dignity, or manner associated with it
goadto incite or rouse as if with a goad (see goad