GRE Word List


offering or providing help

The meaning of the word auxiliary is offering or providing help.

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cresta showy tuft or process on the head of an animal and especially a bird see bird illustration
dearthscarcity that makes dear
animatedendowed with life or the qualities of life : alive
haughtinessblatantly and disdainfully proud : having or showing an attitude of superiority and contempt for people or things perceived to be inferior
cordialshowing or marked by warm and often hearty friendliness, favor, or approval
resilientcharacterized or marked by resilience: such as
pellucidadmitting maximum passage of light without diffusion or distortion
hurtleto move rapidly or forcefully
sylvanone that frequents groves or woods
conciliatoryintended to gain goodwill or favor or to reduce hostility : tending or intended to conciliate