GRE Word List


any of a genus (Salvelinus) of small-scaled trouts with light-colored spots

The meaning of the word char is any of a genus (Salvelinus) of small-scaled trouts with light-colored spots.

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careento put (a ship or boat) on a beach especially in order to clean, caulk, or repair the hull
suffuseto spread over or through in the manner of fluid or light : flush
unerringlycommitting no error : faultless
mottoa sentence, phrase, or word inscribed on something as appropriate to or indicative of its character or use
arrogancean attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions
voluptuoussuggesting sensual pleasure by fullness and beauty of form
transpireto take place : go on
throbto pulsate or pound with abnormal force or rapidity
serenitythe quality or state of being serene