GRE Word List


a usually pharmacologically inert preparation prescribed more for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a disorder

The meaning of the word placebo is a usually pharmacologically inert preparation prescribed more for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a disorder.

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rectifyto set right : remedy
sneakto go stealthily or furtively : slink
prolongto lengthen in time : continue
recitala detailed account : enumeration
factiona party or group (as within a government) that is often contentious or self-seeking : clique
suffocateto stop the respiration of (as by strangling or asphyxiation)
kneelto position the body so that one or both knees rest on the floor
bestialof or relating to beasts
somnambulistan abnormal condition of sleep in which motor acts (such as walking) are performed
habituateto make used to something : accustom