GRE Word List


one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise

The meaning of the word entrepreneur is one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.

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vulpineof, relating to, or resembling a fox
impermeablenot permitting passage (as of a fluid) through its substance
canvassto go through (a district) or go to (persons) in order to solicit orders or political support or to determine opinions or sentiments
clangora resounding clang or medley of clangs
velocityquickness of motion : speed
inextricableforming a maze or tangle from which it is impossible to get free
buoyanthaving buoyancy
soliloquythe act of talking to oneself
phlegmaticresembling, consisting of, or producing the humor phlegm
disabuseto free from error, misconception, or fallacy (see fallacy