GRE Word List


one who has no established residence and wanders idly from place to place without lawful or visible means of support

The meaning of the word vagrant is one who has no established residence and wanders idly from place to place without lawful or visible means of support.

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empiricaloriginating in or based on observation or experience
petulantinsolent or rude in speech or behavior
gamelya physical or mental competition conducted according to rules with the participants in direct opposition to each other
hazymade dim or cloudy by or as if by fine dust, smoke, or light vapor in the air : obscured by or as if by haze (see haze
concertedmutually contrived or agreed on
masticateto grind or crush (food) with or as if with the teeth : chew
scintillateto emit sparks : spark
ragamuffina ragged often disreputable person
disabuseto free from error, misconception, or fallacy (see fallacy
egotisticalcharacterized by egotism : having, showing, or arising from an exaggerated sense of self-importance