GRE Word List


one who has no established residence and wanders idly from place to place without lawful or visible means of support

The meaning of the word vagrant is one who has no established residence and wanders idly from place to place without lawful or visible means of support.

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scenarioan outline or synopsis of a play
circumventto manage to get around especially by ingenuity or stratagem
distortto twist (see twist
cumbersomeunwieldy because of heaviness and bulk
pillagethe act of looting or plundering especially in war
lividdiscolored by bruising : black-and-blue
bellicosefavoring or inclined to start quarrels or wars
victualsfood usable by people
exigencythat which is required in a particular situation
enticeto attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire : tempt