GRE Word List


perceptible by touch : tangible

The meaning of the word tactile is perceptible by touch : tangible.

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redoubtablecausing fear or alarm : formidable
repineto feel or express dejection or discontent : complain
mendaciousgiven to or characterized by deception or falsehood or divergence from absolute truth
chaffthe seed coverings and other debris separated from the seed in threshing grain
xenophobiafear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign
elasticcapable of recovering size and shape after deformation
asymmetrichaving two sides or halves that are not the same : not symmetrical
tantruma fit of bad temper
incidentan occurrence of an action or situation that is a separate unit of experience : happening
wistfulfull of yearning or desire tinged with melancholy