GRE Word List


the act of anointing as a rite of consecration or healing

The meaning of the word unction is the act of anointing as a rite of consecration or healing.

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solublesusceptible of being dissolved in or as if in a liquid and especially water
deliberateto think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully
incompatiblenot compatible: such as
expediteto accelerate the process or progress of : speed up
adjunctsomething joined or added to another thing but not essentially a part of it
enactto establish by legal and authoritative act
clandestinemarked by, held in, or conducted with secrecy : surreptitious
epigrama concise poem dealing pointedly and often satirically with a single thought or event and often ending with an ingenious turn of thought
shrewany of a family (Soricidae) of small chiefly nocturnal insectivores related to the moles and distinguished by a long pointed snout, very small eyes, and short velvety fur