GRE Word List


exceptionally early in development or occurrence

The meaning of the word precocious is exceptionally early in development or occurrence.

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cavaliermarked by or given to offhand and often disdainful (see disdain
accoutreto provide with equipment or furnishings : outfit
blighta disease or injury of plants marked by the formation of lesions, withering, and death of parts (such as leaves and tubers)
ragamuffina ragged often disreputable person
allayto subdue or reduce in intensity or severity : alleviate
ambiencea feeling or mood associated with a particular place, person, or thing : atmosphere
inculcateto teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions
pariaha member of a low caste of southern India
compliancethe act or process of complying to a desire, demand, proposal, or regimen or to coercion