GRE Word List


a businessperson of exceptional wealth, power, and influence : magnate

The meaning of the word tycoon is a businessperson of exceptional wealth, power, and influence : magnate.

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suffocateto stop the respiration of (as by strangling or asphyxiation)
renegadea deserter from one faith, cause, or allegiance to another
indifferentmarked by a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern for something : apathetic
heinoushatefully or shockingly evil : abominable
falsifyto prove or declare false : disprove
bridlethe headgear with which a horse is governed and which carries a bit (see bit
cordialshowing or marked by warm and often hearty friendliness, favor, or approval
bourgeoisof, relating to, or characteristic of the social middle class
fledglinga young bird just fledged (see fledge
mangyaffected with or resulting from mange