GRE Word List


a domesticated usually albino, brownish, or silver-gray animal (Mustela putorius furo) that is descended from the European polecat

The meaning of the word ferret is a domesticated usually albino, brownish, or silver-gray animal (Mustela putorius furo) that is descended from the European polecat.

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inclineto bend the head or body forward : bow
swearto utter or take solemnly (an oath)
compliancethe act or process of complying to a desire, demand, proposal, or regimen or to coercion
aromaticof, relating to, or having aroma:
proteanof or resembling Proteus in having a varied nature or ability to assume different forms
ascendancygoverning or controlling influence : domination
hullthe outer covering of a fruit or seed
retrospectiveof, relating to, or given to retrospection
scuttlea shallow open basket for carrying something (such as grain or garden produce)