GRE Word List


a domesticated usually albino, brownish, or silver-gray animal (Mustela putorius furo) that is descended from the European polecat

The meaning of the word ferret is a domesticated usually albino, brownish, or silver-gray animal (Mustela putorius furo) that is descended from the European polecat.

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foregoto go before : precede
etherealof or relating to the regions beyond the earth
futileserving no useful purpose : completely ineffective
coaxto influence or gently urge by caressing or flattering : wheedle
unwontedbeing out of the ordinary : rare
plumpto drop, sink, or come in contact suddenly or heavily
nonchalancethe quality or state of being nonchalant
pessimisman inclination to emphasize adverse aspects, conditions, and possibilities or to expect the worst possible outcome
antisepticopposing microbial infection