GRE Word List


the act or process of consolidating : the state of being consolidated

The meaning of the word consolidation is the act or process of consolidating : the state of being consolidated.

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rhapsodya portion of an epic poem adapted for recitation
standstilla state characterized by absence of motion or of progress : stop
knottymarked by or full of knots
titlethe distinguishing name of a written, printed, or filmed production
asyluman inviolable place of refuge and protection giving shelter to criminals and debtors : sanctuary
granulateto form or crystallize into grains or granules
marredto ruin or diminish the perfection or wholeness of : spoil
paeana joyous song or hymn of praise, tribute, thanksgiving, or triumph
featurethe structure, form, or appearance especially of a person
precariousdependent on chance circumstances, unknown conditions, or uncertain developments