GRE Word List


agreeably sharp or acid to the taste

The meaning of the word tart is agreeably sharp or acid to the taste.

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withstandto stand up against : oppose with firm determination
homeostasisa relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group
isotopeany of two or more species of atoms of a chemical element with the same atomic number and nearly identical chemical behavior but with differing atomic mass or mass number and different physical properties
lamentto mourn aloud : wail
covertnot openly shown, engaged in, or avowed : veiled
chaffingthe seed coverings and other debris separated from the seed in threshing grain
indignityan act that offends against a person's dignity or self-respect : insult
febrilemarked or caused by fever : feverish
migratoryof, relating to, or characterized by migration
winnowto remove (something, such as chaff) by a current of air