GRE Word List


to dull or destroy the luster of by or as if by air, dust, or dirt : soil

The meaning of the word tarnish is to dull or destroy the luster of by or as if by air, dust, or dirt : soil.

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concurto express agreement
invertto reverse in position, order, or relationship
deftcharacterized by facility and skill
dissertationan extended usually written treatment of a subject
retrieveto locate and bring in (killed or wounded game)
expletivea syllable, word, or phrase inserted to fill a vacancy (as in a sentence or a metrical line) without adding to the sense
peerone that is of equal standing with another : equal
revoketo annul by recalling or taking back : rescind
gratifyto be a source of or give pleasure or satisfaction to
glowto shine with or as if with an intense heat