GRE Word List


to hold fast or stick by or as if by gluing, suction, grasping, or fusing

The meaning of the word adhere is to hold fast or stick by or as if by gluing, suction, grasping, or fusing.

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terminalleading ultimately to death : fatal
balkto refuse abruptly
decrepitudethe quality or state of being decrepit
harpinga plucked stringed instrument consisting of a resonator, an arched or angled neck that may be supported by a post, and strings of graded length that are perpendicular to the soundboard
spoonerisma transposition of usually initial sounds of two or more words (as in tons of soil for sons of toil)
franchisethe right or license granted to an individual or group to market a company's goods or services in a particular territory
lucidsuffused with light : luminous