GRE Word List
following in time, order, or place
The meaning of the word subsequent is following in time, order, or place.
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Word | Meaning |
quaff | to drink (a usually alcoholic beverage) heartily or copiously |
replica | an exact reproduction (as of a painting) executed by the original artist |
garish | clothed in vivid colors |
glib | showing little forethought or preparation : offhand |
mangle | to injure with deep disfiguring wounds by cutting, tearing, or crushing |
ploy | escapade |
unimpeachable | not impeachable: such as |
annuity | a sum of money payable yearly or at other regular intervals |
motto | a sentence, phrase, or word inscribed on something as appropriate to or indicative of its character or use |
array | to dress or decorate especially in splendid or impressive attire : adorn |