GRE Word List


posing a problem : difficult to solve or decide

The meaning of the word problematic is posing a problem : difficult to solve or decide.

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intuitionthe power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference
diversediffering from one another : unlike
pessimisman inclination to emphasize adverse aspects, conditions, and possibilities or to expect the worst possible outcome
impermeablenot permitting passage (as of a fluid) through its substance
aproposbeing both relevant and opportune
fermentationthe enzyme-catalyzed anaerobic breakdown of an energy-rich compound (such as a carbohydrate to carbon dioxide and alcohol or to an organic acid) by the action of microorganisms (such as bacteria or yeast) that occurs naturally and is commonly used in the production of various products (such as food, alcoholic beverages, and pharmaceuticals) especially by controlling microbial enzymatic activity
implicitcapable of being understood from something else though unexpressed : implied
exhaleto rise or be given off as vapor
pandemicoccurring over a wide geographic area (such as multiple countries or continents) and typically affecting a significant proportion of the population
thematicof, relating to, or constituting a theme