GRE Word List


a member of a school of philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium about 300 b.c.

The meaning of the word stoic is a member of a school of philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium about 300 b.c..

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leavena substance (such as yeast) used to produce fermentation in dough or a liquid
defrayto provide for the payment of : pay
determinatehaving defined limits
loga usually bulky piece or length of a cut or fallen tree
blaseapathetic to pleasure or excitement as a result of excessive indulgence or enjoyment : world-weary
swaggerto conduct oneself in an arrogant or superciliously pompous manner
integralessential to completeness : constituent
hazymade dim or cloudy by or as if by fine dust, smoke, or light vapor in the air : obscured by or as if by haze (see haze
clemencydisposition to be merciful and especially to moderate the severity of punishment due
thermalof, relating to, or caused by heat