GRE Word List


a member of a school of philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium about 300 b.c.

The meaning of the word stoic is a member of a school of philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium about 300 b.c..

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podiuma low wall serving as a foundation or terrace wall: such as
magisterialof, relating to, or having the characteristics of a master or teacher : authoritative
vigoractive bodily or mental strength or force
hueoverall character or appearance to the mind : complexion
absolutefree from imperfection : perfect
verisimilitudethe quality or state of being verisimilar
vitalof the utmost importance
obituarya notice of a person's death usually with a short biographical account
detrimentalobviously harmful : damaging
infantileof or relating to infants or infancy