GRE Word List


being dried and withered

The meaning of the word sere is being dried and withered.

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degeneratehaving declined or become less specialized (as in nature, character, structure, or function) from an ancestral or former state
apiculturethe keeping of bees especially on a large scale
academicof, relating to, or associated with an academy or school especially of higher learning
recastto cast again
effusionan act of effusing
supplecompliant often to the point of obsequiousness
mischancebad luck
mammalany of a class (Mammalia) of warm-blooded higher vertebrates (such as placentals, marsupials, or monotremes) that nourish their young with milk secreted by mammary glands, have the skin usually more or less covered with hair, and include humans
similea figure of speech comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by like or as (as in cheeks like roses) compare metaphor