GRE Word List


given to or abounding in aphoristic expression

The meaning of the word sententious is given to or abounding in aphoristic expression.

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chalicea drinking cup : goblet
knella stroke or sound of a bell especially when rung slowly (as for a death, funeral, or disaster)
blisscomplete happiness
obtrudeto thrust out : extrude
accedeto express approval or give consent : to agree to a request or demand
blandishmentsomething that tends to coax or cajole : allurement
timbrethe quality given to a sound by its overtones: such as
cornucopiaa curved, hollow goat's horn or similarly shaped receptacle (such as a horn-shaped basket) that is overflowing especially with fruit and vegetables (such as gourds, ears of corn, apples, and grapes) and that is used as a decorative motif emblematic of abundance
myriadten thousand
sultryvery hot and humid : sweltering