GRE Word List


one of the scriptural fathers of the human race or of the Hebrew people

The meaning of the word patriarch is one of the scriptural fathers of the human race or of the Hebrew people.

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acumenkeenness and depth of perception, discernment, or discrimination especially in practical matters
unwontedbeing out of the ordinary : rare
surfeitan overabundant supply : excess
carafea bottle with a flaring lip used to hold beverages and especially wine
papyrusa tall perennial sedge (Cyperus papyrus) of the Nile valley
ovationa ceremony attending the entering of Rome by a general who had won a victory of less importance than that for which a triumph was granted
whiffa quick puff or slight gust especially of air, odor, gas, smoke, or spray
makeshifta usually crude and temporary expedient : substitute
ichthyologya branch of zoology that deals with fishes