GRE Word List


a usually small part, member, or trace remaining

The meaning of the word remnant is a usually small part, member, or trace remaining.

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perspicuityplain to the understanding especially because of clarity and precision of presentation
vagaryan erratic, unpredictable, or extravagant manifestation, action, or notion
embellishto make beautiful with ornamentation : decorate
prudea person who is excessively or priggishly attentive to propriety or decorum
quellto thoroughly overwhelm and reduce to submission or passivity
metallurgicalthe science and technology of metals
elicitto call forth or draw out (something, such as information or a response)
entrancepower or permission to enter : admission
riddlea mystifying, misleading, or puzzling question posed as a problem to be solved or guessed : conundrum
inanelacking significance, meaning, or point : silly