GRE Word List


a thing contrived

The meaning of the word contrivance is a thing contrived.

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permissivegranted on sufferance : tolerated
nemesisthe Greek goddess of retributive justice
incapacitateto deprive of capacity or natural power : disable
moltenfused or liquefied by heat : melted
grandiosecharacterized by affectation of grandeur or splendor or by absurd exaggeration
causalexpressing or indicating cause : causative
bourgeoisof, relating to, or characteristic of the social middle class
ursineof or relating to a bear or the bear family (Ursidae)
limboan abode of souls that are according to Roman Catholic theology barred from heaven because of not having received Christian baptism
amnesialoss of memory due usually to brain injury, shock, fatigue, repression, or illness