GRE Word List


to reduce from a general to a particular or restricted form : modify

The meaning of the word qualify is to reduce from a general to a particular or restricted form : modify.

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dripto let fall in drops
prologuethe preface or introduction to a literary work
polygamistmarriage in which a spouse of either sex may have more than one mate at the same time compare polyandry
insatiableincapable of being satisfied : quenchless
perspicuityplain to the understanding especially because of clarity and precision of presentation
effectuateto cause or bring about (something) : to put (something) into effect or operation : effect
impenetrableincapable of being penetrated or pierced
physiognomythe art of discovering temperament and character from outward appearance
vitreousresembling glass (as in color, composition, brittleness, or luster) : glassy
unkemptnot combed