GRE Word List



The meaning of the word pugilist is fighter.

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oatha solemn usually formal calling upon God or a god to witness to the truth of what one says or to witness that one sincerely intends to do what one says
promptto move to action : incite
fumbleto grope for or handle something clumsily or aimlessly
homeostasisa relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group
inductto put in formal possession (as of a benefice or office) : install
reposea state of resting after exertion or strain
bilkto block the free development of : frustrate
husbandrythe cultivation or production of plants or animals : agriculture
fiascoa complete failure
threatan expression of intention to inflict evil, injury, or damage