GRE Word List


an act of denominating

The meaning of the word denomination is an act of denominating.

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warrantya real covenant binding the grantor of an estate and the grantor's heirs to warrant and defend the title
ventilateto expose to air and especially to a current of fresh air for purifying, curing, or refreshing
emissaryone designated as the agent of another : representative
archetypethe original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies : prototype
penumbraa space of partial illumination (as in an eclipse) between the perfect shadow on all sides and the full light
tarantulaany of various large, typically ground-dwelling, hairy, mygalomorph spiders (family Theraphosidae) of warm regions that possess venomous fangs used to subdue and kill prey (such as insects, centipedes, frogs, and mice) caught by ambush or chase and that construct silk-lined burrows but do not build webs to trap food
mockto treat with contempt or ridicule : deride
ruddyhaving a healthy reddish color
bastiona projecting part of a fortification