GRE Word List


the agency, function, or office of a deputy who acts as a substitute for another

The meaning of the word proxy is the agency, function, or office of a deputy who acts as a substitute for another.

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unearthto dig up out of or as if out of the earth : exhume
trampto walk, tread, or step especially heavily
obduratestubbornly persistent in wrongdoing
cessationa temporary or final ceasing (as of action) : stop
loftyelevated in character and spirit : noble
amphitheateran oval or circular building with rising tiers of seats ranged about an open space and used in ancient Rome especially for contests and spectacles
stanzaa division of a poem consisting of a series of lines arranged together in a usually recurring pattern of meter and rhyme : strophe
reminiscenceapprehension of a Platonic idea as if it had been known in a previous existence