GRE Word List


a low wall serving as a foundation or terrace wall: such as

The meaning of the word podium is a low wall serving as a foundation or terrace wall: such as.

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somberso shaded as to be dark and gloomy
foliagea representation of leaves, flowers, and branches for architectural ornamentation
narrativesomething that is narrated : story
primethe second of the canonical hours
intoxicateto excite or stupefy by alcohol or a drug especially to the point where physical and mental control is markedly diminished
industriousconstantly, regularly, or habitually active or occupied : diligent
subterfugedeception by artifice or stratagem in order to conceal, escape, or evade
polemicalof, relating to, or being a polemic : controversial
lotan object used as a counter in determining a question by chance see also throw in one's lot with