GRE Word List


relating to or consisting in the gratification of the senses or the indulgence of appetite : fleshly

The meaning of the word sensual is relating to or consisting in the gratification of the senses or the indulgence of appetite : fleshly.

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slinkto go or move stealthily or furtively (as in fear or shame) : steal
supernumeraryexceeding the usual, stated, or prescribed number
personablepleasant or amiable in person : attractive
engagedinvolved in activity : occupied
lapa loose overlapping or hanging panel or flap especially of a garment
amuleta charm (such as an ornament) often inscribed with a magic incantation or symbol to aid the wearer or protect against evil (such as disease or witchcraft)
zanyvery eccentric (see eccentric
rostruman ancient Roman platform for public orators
tributesomething given or contributed voluntarily as due or deserved
heedto pay attention