GRE Word List


superficially fair, reasonable, or valuable but often specious

The meaning of the word plausible is superficially fair, reasonable, or valuable but often specious.

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impenetrableincapable of being penetrated or pierced
bucolicof or relating to shepherds or herdsmen : pastoral
invidiousof an unpleasant or objectionable nature : obnoxious
stupefyto make stupid, groggy, or insensible
virusany of a large group of submicroscopic infectious agents that are usually regarded as nonliving extremely complex molecules, that typically contain a protein coat surrounding an RNA or DNA core of genetic material but no semipermeable membrane, that are capable of growth and multiplication only in living cells, and that cause various important diseases in humans, animals, and plants
breedto produce (offspring) by hatching or gestation
aproposbeing both relevant and opportune
coupletwo persons married, engaged, or otherwise romantically paired
arborealof, relating to, or resembling a tree
cardiologistthe study of the heart and its action and diseases