GRE Word List


direct and open in speech or expression : frank

The meaning of the word outspoken is direct and open in speech or expression : frank.

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rompone that romps
incubusan evil spirit that lies on persons in their sleep
epitaphan inscription on or at a tomb or a grave in memory of the one buried there
rhapsodizeto speak or write in a rhapsodic manner
acrophobiaabnormal dread of being in a high place : fear of heights
judicioushaving, exercising, or characterized by sound judgment
biliousof or relating to a yellow or greenish fluid that is secreted by the liver and that aids especially in the emulsification and absorption of fats : of or relating to bile (see bile
imponderablenot ponderable : incapable of being weighed or evaluated with exactness
counterpartone of two corresponding copies of a legal instrument : duplicate
annalsa record of events arranged in yearly sequence