GRE Word List


involving, imposing, or constituting a burden : troublesome

The meaning of the word onerous is involving, imposing, or constituting a burden : troublesome.

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beneficialproducing good results or helpful effects : conferring benefits (see benefit
authoritarianof, relating to, or favoring blind submission to authority
continencethe ability to retain a bodily discharge voluntarily
deferput off
esotericdesigned for or understood by the specially initiated alone
lista simple series of words or numerals (such as the names of persons or objects)
divestto deprive or dispossess especially of property, authority, or title
animositya strong feeling of dislike or hatred : ill will or resentment tending toward active hostility : an antagonistic attitude
pragmatista practical approach to problems and affairs
stratageman artifice or trick in war for deceiving and outwitting the enemy