GRE Word List


one who is unimaginative or who unduly emphasizes minutiae in the presentation or use of knowledge

The meaning of the word pedant is one who is unimaginative or who unduly emphasizes minutiae in the presentation or use of knowledge.

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plagiarizeto steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source
veritablebeing in fact the thing named and not false, unreal, or imaginary
besetto set or stud with or as if with ornaments
solecisman ungrammatical combination of words in a sentence
visionthe act or power of seeing : sight
confiscateappropriated by the government : forfeited
corollarya proposition (see proposition
gloatto observe or think about something with triumphant and often malicious satisfaction, gratification, or delight
aberrantdeviating from the usual or natural type : atypical
indecisivemarked by or prone to indecision : irresolute