GRE Word List


the study or collection of coins, tokens, and paper money and sometimes related objects (such as medals)

The meaning of the word numismatist is the study or collection of coins, tokens, and paper money and sometimes related objects (such as medals).

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maternalof, relating to, belonging to, or characteristic of a mother : motherly
improviseto compose, recite, play, or sing extemporaneously
craftskill in planning, making, or executing : dexterity
gobbleto swallow or eat greedily
quietudea quiet state : repose
high-flownexceedingly or excessively high or favorable
plebeiana member of the Roman plebs
pastichea literary, artistic, musical, or architectural work that imitates the style of previous work
permeablecapable of being permeated : penetrable
impietythe quality or state of being impious : irreverence