GRE Word List


a medical doctor who diagnoses and treats mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders : a specialist in psychiatry

The meaning of the word psychiatrist is a medical doctor who diagnoses and treats mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders : a specialist in psychiatry.

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equanimityevenness of mind especially under stress
autonomoushaving the right or power of self-government
elatedmarked by high spirits : exultant
tiradea protracted speech usually marked by intemperate, vituperative, or harshly censorious language
tribulationdistress or suffering resulting from oppression or persecution
maladya disease or disorder of the animal body
solitudethe quality or state of being alone or remote from society : seclusion
escapadea usually adventurous action that runs counter to approved or conventional conduct
prodigalcharacterized by profuse or wasteful expenditure : lavish
orthodoxconforming to established doctrine especially in religion