GRE Word List


being warm, damp, and close

The meaning of the word muggy is being warm, damp, and close.

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strangleto choke to death by compressing the throat with something (such as a hand or rope) : throttle
contentiona point advanced or maintained in a debate or argument
optimista person who is inclined to be hopeful and to expect good outcomes : someone who is given to optimism
luridcausing horror or revulsion : gruesome
parchmentthe skin of a sheep or goat prepared for writing on
oozea soft deposit (as of mud, slime, or shells) on the bottom of a body of water
inalienableincapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred
antediluvianof or relating to the period before the flood described in the Bible
rebuketo criticize sharply : reprimand
cascadea steep usually small fall of water