GRE Word List
the absorption of an estate, a contract, or an interest in another, of a minor offense in a greater, or of a cause of action into a judgment
The meaning of the word merger is the absorption of an estate, a contract, or an interest in another, of a minor offense in a greater, or of a cause of action into a judgment.
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gerontology | the comprehensive multidisciplinary study of aging and older adults compare geriatrics |
codicil | a legal instrument made to modify an earlier will |
anthem | a song or hymn of praise or gladness |
venial | of a kind that can be remitted : forgivable |
crotchety | given to crotchets (see crotchet |
polemical | of, relating to, or being a polemic : controversial |
disproportion | lack of proportion, symmetry, or proper relation : disparity |
plagiarize | to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source |
headstrong | not easily restrained : impatient of control, advice, or suggestions |