GRE Word List


to deprive of strength, vigor, or spirit : weaken

The meaning of the word emasculate is to deprive of strength, vigor, or spirit : weaken.

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stricturean abnormal narrowing of a bodily passage
discounta reduction made from the gross (see gross
levitateto rise or float in or as if in the air especially in seeming defiance of gravitation
retentivehaving the power, property, or capacity of retaining
runicany of the characters of any of several alphabets used by the Germanic peoples from about the 3rd to the 13th centuries
distractto draw or direct (something, such as someone's attention) to a different object or in different directions at the same time
loftyelevated in character and spirit : noble
scenarioan outline or synopsis of a play
dubiousunsettled in opinion : doubtful
eccentricdeviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways