GRE Word List


the principle or practice of complete abstinence from alcoholic drinks

The meaning of the word teetotalism is the principle or practice of complete abstinence from alcoholic drinks.

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haphazardmarked by lack of plan, order, or direction
exposurethe fact or condition of being exposed: such as
isotopeany of two or more species of atoms of a chemical element with the same atomic number and nearly identical chemical behavior but with differing atomic mass or mass number and different physical properties
retroactiveextending in scope or effect to a prior time or to conditions that existed or originated in the past
trougha long shallow often V-shaped receptacle for the drinking water or feed of domestic animals
progenitoran ancestor in the direct line : forefather
clapto strike (two things, such as two flat, hard surfaces) together so as to produce a sharp percussive noise
fitacceptable from a particular viewpoint (as of competence or morality) : proper
contendto strive or vie in contest or rivalry or against difficulties : struggle
pedantone who is unimaginative or who unduly emphasizes minutiae in the presentation or use of knowledge