GRE Word List


complete happiness

The meaning of the word bliss is complete happiness.

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compileto compose out of materials from other documents
myopicaffected by myopia : of, relating to, or exhibiting myopia : nearsighted
rampantrearing upon the hind legs with forelegs extended
waxa substance that is secreted by bees and is used by them for constructing the honeycomb, that is a dull yellow solid plastic when warm, and that is composed primarily of a mixture of esters, hydrocarbons, and fatty acids : beeswax
advertto turn the mind or attention
amenableliable to be brought to account : answerable
fusilladea number of shots fired simultaneously or in rapid succession
opiatean alkaloid drug (such as morphine or codeine) that contains or is derived from opium, binds to cell receptors primarily of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, acts to block pain, induce sedation or sleep, depress respiration, and produce calmness or euphoria, and is associated with physiological tolerance (see tolerance