GRE Word List


a simple series of words or numerals (such as the names of persons or objects)

The meaning of the word list is a simple series of words or numerals (such as the names of persons or objects).

Random words

fluencythe quality or state of being fluent
canarda false or unfounded report or story
dichotomya division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities
impelto urge or drive forward or on by or as if by the exertion of strong moral pressure : force
tenancya holding of an estate or a mode of holding an estate
incrementthe amount or degree by which something changes
institutesomething that is instituted: such as
plaintiveexpressive of suffering or woe : melancholy
spliceto unite (two ropes or two parts of a rope) by interweaving the strands
urgentcalling for immediate attention : pressing