GRE Word List


a line for leading or restraining an animal

The meaning of the word leash is a line for leading or restraining an animal.

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adjacentnot distant : nearby
ruddyhaving a healthy reddish color
venialof a kind that can be remitted : forgivable
effectuateto cause or bring about (something) : to put (something) into effect or operation : effect
piqueto excite or arouse especially by a provocation, challenge, or rebuff
exhortto incite by argument or advice : urge strongly
conjectureinference formed without proof or sufficient evidence
irrepressibleimpossible to repress, restrain, or control
gentilitythe condition of belonging to the gentry
ascribeto refer to a supposed cause, source, or author : to say or think that (something) is caused by, comes from, or is associated with a particular person or thing