GRE Word List


of or relating to the side

The meaning of the word lateral is of or relating to the side.

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quellto thoroughly overwhelm and reduce to submission or passivity
dislodgeto drive from a position of hiding, defense, or advantage
preento groom with the bill especially by rearranging the barbs and barbules of the feathers and by distributing oil from the uropygial gland
piebaldcomposed of incongruous parts
catcalla loud or raucous cry made especially to express disapproval (as at a sports event)
arcaneknown or knowable only to a few people : secret
ruminateto go over in the mind repeatedly and often casually or slowly
sonicutilizing, produced by, or relating to sound waves
skulduggeryunderhanded or unscrupulous behavior
parishthe ecclesiastical unit of area committed to one pastor