GRE Word List


drooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion : weak

The meaning of the word languid is drooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion : weak.

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preposterouscontrary to nature, reason, or common sense : absurd
adjournto suspend indefinitely or until a later stated time
deferencerespect and esteem due a superior or an elder
retrogradehaving or being motion in a direction contrary to that of the general motion of similar bodies and especially east to west among the stars
concurto express agreement
celerityrapidity of motion or action
degeneratehaving declined or become less specialized (as in nature, character, structure, or function) from an ancestral or former state
distractto draw or direct (something, such as someone's attention) to a different object or in different directions at the same time
salientmoving by leaps or springs : jumping
embedto enclose closely in or as if in a matrix