GRE Word List


open to view : visible

The meaning of the word apparent is open to view : visible.

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proliferateto grow by rapid production of new parts, cells, buds, or offspring
paraphernaliathe separate real or personal property of a married woman that she can dispose of by will and sometimes according to common law during her life
shrewdmarked by clever discerning awareness and hardheaded acumen
claviclea bone of the shoulder girdle typically serving to link the scapula and sternum
endearto cause to become beloved or admired
vicariousexperienced or realized through imaginative or sympathetic participation in the experience of another
monotheismthe doctrine or belief that there is but one God
amorphoushaving no definite form : shapeless
adjutanta staff officer in the army, air force, or marine corps who assists the commanding officer and is responsible especially for correspondence
affiliationthe state or relation of being closely associated or affiliated with a particular person, group, party, company, etc.