GRE Word List


to eat (tender shoots, twigs, leaves of trees and shrubs, etc.) : to consume as browse (see browse

The meaning of the word browse is to eat (tender shoots, twigs, leaves of trees and shrubs, etc.) : to consume as browse (see browse.

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grandeurthe quality or state of being grand : magnificence
ascribeto refer to a supposed cause, source, or author : to say or think that (something) is caused by, comes from, or is associated with a particular person or thing
cozento deceive, win over, or induce to do something by artful coaxing and wheedling or shrewd trickery
scoffan expression of scorn, derision, or contempt : gibe
resurrectto raise from the dead
indolentaverse to activity, effort, or movement : habitually lazy
incipientbeginning to come into being or to become apparent
profaneto treat (something sacred) with abuse, irreverence, or contempt : desecrate
relegateto send into exile : banish
altruisticrelating to or given to altruism: